The following are excerpts taken from the Carolina Genealogist. The first is a list of individuals who left the Dean Swamp Church to found a church closer to their homes. It includes Simmons, Sandifers, McDaniel, Felder and other family names that were prominent in Pike County, Mississippi, in later years. The second list indicates that some church members subsequently left the church for the purpose, I think, of migrating to Mississippi Territory.
We, the Baptist Church of Christ on Dean Swamp holding conference on the first day of June 1805, have dismissed all and singular the members whose names are under enrolled to be constituted a church at William Tyler's on Willow Swamp and when constituted are dismissed from us in full Fellowship by order of the church.
The Constitution of the Willow Swamp Church August 10th day, 1805.
Met in conference at William Tyler's on Willow Swamp on the 10th day of August,
1805. We, the dismissed members from Dean Swamp Church being in number thirty-six,
and by the help of God and our Beloved Brethren James Sweat and Isaac Dubosque
being the Presbytery chosen to constitute us into a church, we were legally
then constituted and our Beloved Brethren Richard Simmons and Charles Felder
were unanimously chosen Deacons to act in the Deaconship and govern said Church
and were ordained by the said Presbytery and Brother Adrial Mixon chosen clerk
of the church…
Willow Swamp Church Roll
Comments by Philip Mullins: Sometime after 1805 someone made notes on the August 10, 1805, roll of the new church and noted those who had since died or left the church. Among those who had died are William Tyler, Sr. (Ann Simmon's father) and four other members of the Tyler family. William Tyler, Jr. (probably Ann Simmon's brother) had been excluded from the church. This means that he had been asked to leave the church for some infraction such as drinking or fighting. Richard and Ann Simmons had been dismissed as members in good standing.
At least three families from this church migrated to Mississippi: Richard and Ann Simmons, Charles and Sarah Felder and Daniel McDaniel. The first two men were both Deacons and left the church in good standing. Daniel McDaniel had been excluded.
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