The Ancestors Of George & Hazel Mullins
by Philip Mullins
Places of Business
Osyka, Mississippi 1890-1915
The businesses are listed in probably location beginning at First Street and Amite Street, continuing north to the intersection of First Street and Liberty Street then continuing east to the intersection of Liberty Street and Railroad Avenue East and then south on Railroad Avenue East to Pike Street.
- Saloon run by Henry Lilly and Dock Harrell.
- Barremore's Opera House located in the Masonic Hall. It was run by James R Barremore and his son using local talent.
- The Bank of Osyka was organized in 1902. Its President was Dr. C H Bates and its Vice-President was Dr. W H Bates.
- C H and W H Bates, Physicians and Surgeons, upstairs in the Bank of Osyka building.
- Clinton Thompson, Lawyer, Notary Public, Mayor of Osyka and a State Senator, upstairs in the Bank of Osyka Building.
- C E Varnado Store offering pure food groceries, fruit, tobacco and cigars. He was an agent for the McComb Steam Laundry.
- Newman Brother's Store offering lady's ready-to-wear undergarments, dress goods, dress trimmings, shoes, groceries and general merchandise.
- Gill & Forrest Store offering general merchandise.
- Osyka Supply Company offering general merchandise.
- McElveen's Livery Stable offering rigs with drivers for rent.
- James R Barremore's Drug Store selling drugs, medicines, perfumeries and toilet articles. He was the agent for the Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company, the Times-Democrat newspaper and a display man for the US Weather Bureau. He was also the city clerk.
- J R Barremore's Ice House selling ice for 50 cents per hundred pounds.
- J L & S A Bacot Company (formerly Atkinson & Bacot, formerly Atkinson & McDonald) selling shoes, dress goods, hats, shirts, notions, staple and fancy groceries, stoves, tin ware, farm implements, buggies, wagons, saddlery, edged tools, rubber belting and sewing machines. They also purchased cotton. (The cotton yard was north of the store).
- The Farmer's Bank of Osyka was organized in 1912. Its President was S A Bacot and its First Vice-President and cashier was Duncan F Young.
- Goss & Nesmith's Drugstore selling prescriptions and patient medicines.
- Joe Mixon's Clock Repair Shop.
- William A Easley General Store.
- Wilson-Addison Company (until 1903 I N Varnado Store) selling dry goods, clothing, shoes, groceries, hardware, plantation supplies, coffins, caskets and general merchandise.
- I N Varnado Cotton Warehouse purchased cotton. The cotton yard was east of Railroad Avenue East.
- The Osyka Herald (formerly Moses Heuman) was a newspaper and a printer.
Other Osyka businesses not in any order:
- W H Bates Store offering dry goods, notions, shoes, hats, shirts, groceries
and wire fencing.
- J C Wallace, MD, Physician and Surgeon, had an office in the Wallace-Varnado
- Dr Major B Varnado, Dentist, had an office in the Wallace-Varnado Building.
- R Scott Varnado Store sold western cold storage meat.
- L M Wolf sold buggies and surreys.
- Alice Varnado's Millinery Shop offered hats trimmed while you wait.
- John W Williams Grocery Store.
- T C Ott and Company manufactured rough and dressed lumber for house building.
They also sold cut-over land and operated a mill on the Tangipahoa River.
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by Philip
Mullins. Permission is granted to reproduce and transmit contents for not-for-profit