The information is this list comes from various sources, most of which are identified in the bibliography. None of it is guaranteed to be accurate. The first six individuals on the list are my ancestors and the remaining men are relatives.
Name | unit | source |
Thomas E Rife | 36th Texas Cavalry | Texas General Land Office |
Solomon O Simmons | Co.C, 3rd La Cav. | Louisiana Confederate Soldiers |
Frank S Strickland | Pvt., Co.C, 3rd La Cav. | " |
William Hinson | Louisiana | " |
John Hayes | Co.E, 6th La. Inf. | Knippers Genealogy |
Joseph Reynolds | Pvt., Capt. Kean's Battery, La Artillery | La Conf Soldiers |
Green Strickland | Pvt., Co.C, 3rd La Cav. | " |
Henry Strickland | Pvt., Co.B, 16th La Inf. | " |
Hardy Mullins | killed June 1864 | Mullins Genealogy |
William Leander Varnado | wounded | Varnado Genealogy |
James Leonard Varnado | killed | " |
Felix Hampton Varnado | wounded | " |
Christopher Columbus Felder | Co.B, 33rd Miss Inf. | " |
Ellis Monroe Varnado | Army of the Tennessee | " |
Raleigh Haggard Varndo | killed | " |
Pinkney Henderson Varnado | " | |
Jefferson Simmons | Bala Chitto Simmons | |
George Simmons | " | |
Reddick F Simmons | wounded at Shiloh | " |
Marcus Simmons | Co.E, 3rd La Cav. | " |
Columbus W Simmons | Pvt., Co.E, 3rd La Cav. | " |
Robert L Simmons | Home Guard | " |
John G Leggett | " | |
Edward K Tisdale | " | |
James B Mullins | Co.F, 1st Btn Miss Inf. | Grave Marker |
Norval Varnado | 39th Miss, Army of the Tennessee | Bala Chitto Simmons |
Cyrus S Simmons | 1st Lt., Raborn's Co | " |
Thomas J Simmons | Photograph in uniform | " |
James Bond | killed at Port Hudson | " |
Reeves Rhodus | Co.E, 16th Miss Inf. | " |
Robert K Sibley, Jr. | killed at Mansfield | " |
Hansford D Sandifer | Co.E, 16th Miss Inf. | " |
William E Sandifer | Rhodes Cav. | " |
Richard M Sandifer | Rhodes Cav. | " |
James J Sandifer | Rhodes Cav. | " |
John W Sandifer | Rhodes Cav. | " |
Harvey Benton Knippers, Sr. | Knippers Genealogy | |
Frank Anthony Knippers | " | |
Lewis Wilford Knippers | " | |
Thomas T Knippers | killed in Georgia | " |
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Copyright © 1994-2005 by Philip Mullins. Permission is granted to reproduce and transmit contents for not-for-profit purposes.