The following is a partial list of the sources I used. Most of them are not primary sources and are intended for general audiences. This book was written for children and I have made no attempt to cite sources. The book was written from the point of view of ordinary folk and refers to the effects of political and economic events rather than to the events themselves. I used a number of sources not listed here including road-side historical markers, church bulletins, grave markers and interviews with old-timers. My parents were the most useful sources of information about their generation.
"The Huguenots of Colonial South Carolina" by Arthur Hirsch. Durham, N.C. 1928.
"River of the Carolinas: The Santee" by Henry Savage, Jr. Chapel Hill, N.C. 1968.
"South Carolina: A Bicentennial History" by Louis B. Wright. New York. 1976.
"Eli Whitney and the Birth of American Technology" by Constance McL.Green. Boston. 1956.
"The Plantation South" by Katharine M. Jones. Indianapolis. 1957.
"Roll, Jordan, Roll" by Eugene Genevese.
"Descendants of Leonard Vernadeau and Sarah Hutto, Three Generations, 1735-1850" by William W. Varnedoe, et al. Published privately. Jackson, Mississippi. 1978.
"The Varnado Genealogist", Vol.1, Number 1 through Vol.8, Number 4 by Harrell D Varnado. Jackson, Miss. 1980-1987.
"The Removal of the Choctaw" by Arthur H. De Rosier. The University of Tennessee Press. Knoxville, Tenn. 1970.
Chancery Court Minute Books, Office of the Clerk of the Chancery Court, Pike County, Magnolia, Mississippi.
Marriage Records, Clerk of the Circuit Court, County of Pike, Magnolia, Mississippi.
Certificates of Death, State Registrar of Vital Statistics, Jackson, Mississippi.
"Cemetery and Bible Records" Mississippi Genealogical Society, Jackson, Miss. Vol.1-22, 1954-1990.
"Confederate Mississippi" by John K. Bettersworth. Louisiana State University Press. Baton Rouge, La. 1943.
"Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers and Louisiana Confederate Commands" by Andrew P. Booth. Reprint Company Publishers, Spartanburg, S.C. 1984.
"Bala Chitto Simmons Family" by Hansford L. Simmons. Privately Published. McComb, Miss. 1965.
"Descendants of Thomas Theopolus Knippers and Margaret Deseria Lambert" by Prentiss A Knippers. Privately Published. Tylertown, Mississippi. 1983.
"Reunion & Reaction" by C. Van Woodward. Little, Brown and Co., Boston. 1966.
"Tom Watson, Agrarian Rebel" by C. Van Woodward. The MacMilliam Company, New York. 1938.
"The Underside of American History, Volume 2: since 1865" Editor Thomas R. Frazier. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. New York. 1971.
All this is Louisiana" by Frances Parkinson Keyes. Harper & Brothers Publishers. New York. 1950.
"Mississippi: A Guide to the Magnolia State" by Federal Writer's Project of the Works Progress Administration. Hastings House Publishers, Inc. New York. 1949.
"Cemetery Inscriptions: Pike County, Mississippi" by Ray & June S. Parish. Privately Published. 1979.
"Osyka: A Memorial History. 1812-1978" by Lucy Wall Varnado. Cook & McDowell Publications, Owensboro, Kentucky. 1980.
"Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Mississippi" by Goodspeed Publishing Company. Chicago. 1891.
"A History of Mississippi" by Robert Lowry and William H. McCardle. R.H.Henry & Co. Jackson, Miss. 1891.
"Pike County, Mississippi. 1798-1876" by Luke W Conerly. Brandon Printing Co. Nashville, Tenn. 1909.
"Resource Records of Pike/Whalthall Counties, Mississippi 1798-1910" by E. Russ Williams, Jr. Southern Historical Press. 1978.
US Census Records, Bureau of the Census, US Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.
Index to Death Records, Index to Birth Records, Texas Department of Health Vital Statistics, Austin, Texas.
"Confederate Scrip Grantees" by Texas General Land Office. Unpublished copy found in the Texas State Library Genealogy Collection, Austin, Texas.
"The Texas Rangers: A Century of Frontier Defense" by Walter Prescott Webb. University of Texas Press. Austin, Texas. 1977.
"Life of Big Foot Wallace" by A. J. Sowell. State House Press. Austin, Texas. 1989.
"Scout and Ranger being the Personal Adventures of James Pike, 1859-1860" by James Pike. Princeton University Press. Princeton. 1932.
"A Texas Ranger" by N. A. Jennings. Turner Company. Dallas, Texas. 1930
"Frontier and Pioneer Recollections" by Vinton Lee James. San Antonio, Texas. 1938
"Anglos and Mexicans in the making of Texas, 1836-1986" by David Montejano. University of Texas Press. Austin, Texas. 1987.
"German Seed in Texas Soil" by Terry G Jordan. University of Texas Press. Austin, Texas. 1966.
"Inherit the Alamo" by Holly Beachley Brear. University of Texas Press. Austin, Texas. 1995.
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